Thermo 1
Lecture 2

Lecture 2

0th Law

There exists, for every thermodynamic system in equilibrium, a property called temperature. Equality of temperature is a necessary and sufficient condition for thermal equilibrium.

Celsius in Kelvin

0C273.15KFreezing Temp
-273.15C0KAbsolute Zero

Ideal Gas

  • standard model of real gases, idelizaed.
  • Properties:
    • No volume
    • kinetic energy only
    • All Colission elastic

→ Good approximation for low perssures

pV=nRmT=mRTp \cdot V = n\: R_m \: T = m \: R \: T

formula is derived by the following findings

1 2 3

conversion of ideal gas to real gas

Compressibility factor ZZ:


Z=ρidealρrealZ = \frac{\rho_{ideal}}{\rho_{real}}

Ideal liquid

-standard model of real liquids, idelizaed. -incompressable, inviscid(zero viscoity)

=>change in pressure/tempertaure: aprrox. constant volume V=const!=f(T,p)V = const != f(T,p)


-form of energy transported over the system bondarys(except heat)

Volume/Displacement work

Displacement work:

Voulme expansion conducts work(gas piston)

δW=pAdx=pdV\delta W = -p \cdot A \cdot dx = -p \cdot dV

Integration over whole displacement:

W1,2,V=12p dVW_{1,2,V} = - \int_{1}^{2} p\ dV

Sign convetion from the perspective "inside" the system, means if the system gains energy => negative sign of work

Heat and heat Flow

-Heat is the other part of energy transported over system boundarys -Heat is transported due to temperature differences

Heat QQ:

-can alter the system state -adiabatic: no heat is transferd

Heat Flow Q:

Q˙=dQdt \dot{Q} = \frac{dQ}{dt}